"Hope for Tomorrow" Virtual Mental Helath Fair to be held February 17

BoroSAFE, Hillsborough’s community organization dedicated to mental health awareness and suicide prevention, will sponsor Hope for Tomorrow, its first Virtual Mental Health Fair on Wednesday, February 17, 2021 from 6:30-8:00 PM. The event organizers are thrilled with the outpouring of support from local mental health professionals and agencies that have offered to present workshops, as well as from local business owners that have donated gift cards which will be used as prizes for a trivia game during the evening. 

Although the past two Hope for Tomorrow events were in-person mental health fairs created and sponsored by the staff at Woods Road Elementary School, this year BoroSAFE is optimistic that a virtual format will safely deliver a wealth of much-needed information to families on many aspects of wellness during this extremely stressful period. 

Please see the enews or the website calendar for more information.