Monday - Friday
8:00 - 4:30


379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

379 South Branch Road
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Rabies Vaccine/Dog License Requirement

Please be sure your dog's rabies vaccination is up to date and be aware of Hillsborough Township's dog licensing requirements. Licensing your dog each year not only serves as an excellent reminder to check the status of your dog's rabies vaccine but also keeps you in compliance with State and Municipal regulations. 

Chapter 117 of the Township Code requires dog owners to license their dogs annually. Dog canvassers periodically conduct door-to-door canvasses of dogs in the Township, and any person found to be not in compliance with the licensing requirements shall pay a penalty to the Township of $50 per dog in addition to the established license and registration fees.

It is important to note that the Health Department has recently reported incidents where a dog was exposed to rabies, and the rabies vaccination was overdue, exposing the pet to a potentially fatal disease. So do yourself and your furry friend a favor; vaccinate and license your dog.

